Tuesday, August 4, 2009

www. isgreater.com

As i sit waiting for the bus to go to Hillsboro Stadium i see this interesting seat billboard and was board enough to read it... it said
Which is greater 1 or (sin(1)+con(sqrt(2)))? FIll your answer in to complete the website name online: www. isgreater.com ... and receive your next challenge

So i thought of course 1, and had my Iphone with my so i decided to try see what this was all about... i wanted a challenge

Well this is the site that came up!

This is a website for the FBI! i was like wow! go FBI!


Shannon said...

Fun...the FBI?! Ps Couldn't see what the site said (wouldn't let me open it bigger).

Pps. glad you are starting a blog, yes?

Xa said...

yes not sure how often but when things hit me yup!

Unknown said...

Obviously that is the wrong answer